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Joint APPM/MATH Colloquium - Catherine Sulem

Catherine Sulem

Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

Bloch theory and spectral gaps for linearized water waves

We consider the movement of a free surface of a two-dimensional fluid over a variableÌýbottom. We assume that the bottom has a periodic prole and we study the water waveÌýsystem linearized near a stationary state. The latter reduces to a spectral problem for theÌýDirichlet{Neumann operator in a fluid domain with a periodic bottom and a at surfaceÌýelevation. Bloch spectral decomposition is a classical tool to address problems in periodicÌýgeometries or equivalently differential operators with periodic coefficients. We show thatÌýthe spectral problem admits a Bloch decomposition in terms of spectral band functionsand their associated band-parametrized eigenfunctions. We find that, generically, theÌýspectrum consists of a series of bands separated by spectral gaps which are zones offorbidden energies.

