Technical Electives & Proficiency Courses

Tech Elective & Proficiency Recommendations

Technical Electives

CVEN students must complete 12 credits of technical electives that meet the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of 6 credits must be upper-division (3000+) AREN or CVEN courses
  2. The remaining 6 credits may be chosen from the following:
    • Any upper‐division (3000+) AREN or CVEN course
    • Any course listed on theCEAE Approved Technical Elective List
    • Up to 3 credits of independent study(must be approved by the CEAE Department)

Any other course must be petitioned and approved by the CEAE Department to count as a technical elective. Contact your academic advisor for guidance before petitioning.Technical electives must be upper‐division (3000+) and are generally math, science, or engineering courses with technical content.

Technical elective requirements and approved courses vary by major/department. Courses that are approved technical electives for other majors may not be accepted by the CEAE Department. Make sure you're referring to the information abovewhen choosing technical electives, and contact your advisor with questions.

Proficiency courses

CVEN students must complete 3 of the following proficiency courses:

  • CVEN 3256 Construction Equipment & Methods (prereqCVEN 3246) - fall and spring
  • CVEN 3424Water and Wastewater Treatment (prereqCVEN 3414) - spring
  • CVEN 3718 Geotechnical Engineering 2 (prereqCVEN 3708) - fall and spring
  • CVEN 4333 Engineering Hydrology (prereqCVEN 3313, pre/co-reqCVEN 3227) - fall and spring
  • CVEN 4545 Steel Design (prereqCVEN 3525) - spring
    ORCVEN 4555 Reinforced Concrete Design (prereqCVEN 3525) - fall

    Important to know:CVEN 4545or4555 can be countedas a proficiency, not both. Students who want to take both courses may count one as a proficiency and the other as a technical elective.

How to choose Technical Electives and Proficiencycourses