
  • Richard Buxton
    The Hoplite Class as a Flexible Category in Greek Political ThoughtRichard Buxton - Colorado CollegeMonday, January 27th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 1B90 Scholars have undermined the received wisdom that hoplites formed a “middle” class able to shift the
  • Event Flyer with Image of Greek statue representing Ancient Greek Magic
    Ancient Greek Magic: New Finds and ApproachesDr. Jessica Lamont - Yale UniversityThursday, December 12th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 250 Free and open to the public
  • Menoikeus pictured in a red robe
    McClanahan Graduate Essay Prize LectureVirgin Sacrifice? Menoikeus in Euripides' Phoenician Womenpresented by Jake Sawyer, University of Colorado BoulderMonday, December 2nd I 5 pm I HUMN 1B90 Free and open to the publicParking
  • Ancient inscripted necklace
    McClanahan Lecture SeriesFugitive slaves in the ancient Greek and Roman worldsDr. Peter Hunt, University of Colorado BoulderWednesday, November 13th I 7 p.m. I HUMN 150 Free and open to the publicParking available just north of
  • CU Museum of Natural History presents: AIA Lecture Series flyer with photo of professor and Linear B Tablet
    AIA Lecture SeriesDigitizing Prehistory: Aegean Scripts in the 21st CenturyDr. Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado BoulderWednesday, October 30th I 7 p.m. I Paleontology Hall Free and open to the publicHenderson Building,
  • Michael Roberts Talk
    “Narrating the Saints: Paulinus of Nola and the Beginning of Verse Hagiography.”Michael Roberts, Robert Rich Professor Emeritus Wesleyan University “Prof. Roberts will explore the Natalicia (Birthday Poems) of Paulinus of Nola,
  • The Boulder Classics Department now co-ordinates an Aequora site at Casey Middle School: using Aequora’s specially designed curriculum, we harness the classical languages’ power to improve literacy while making the ancient
  • Persian King bust
    King and Kingship in Ancient Persia
  • Cellarium Harmonia Macroscosmica
    Fate and Astrology in Tacitus' AnnalsDr. Kelly Shannon-Henderson, Univeristy of AlabamaThe involvement of supernatural factors such as fate and fortune in historical events is a familiar preoccupation of ancient historians. In the case of Tacitus'
  • Image of modern army soldiers and ancient Greek soldier
    The Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy Presents:Theater of War: What Ancient Greek Tragedies Can Teach Us Today Bryan Doerries - Artistic Director: Public Artist in Residence, City of New YorkThursday, January
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