Breathe Easy below the Big Apple
If you have ever used New York City’s subway system, fear not.
The air in the depths far below the bustling streets is no worse than any crowded outdoor space, says CU-Boulder distinguished professor Norman R. Pace of molecular, cellular and developmental biology.
Pace and his team collected two cubic meters of air, equivalent to the volume we breathe every day, from seven subway stations including Grand Central, Times Square, Union Square and an abandoned station at City Hall.
The good news is the team didn’t find any known human pathogens. And while each sample contained about 1 million bacteria, that quantity mirrored outdoor air measurements. Five percent of that amount came from human heads, arms, heels and the like.
“We saw nothing unusual, certainly nothing threatening,” Pace toldThe New York Timesin May. “At least, no more threatening than the people standing next to you on the platform.”
Photo courtesy Xavier Arnau