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Graduate student dental insurance, information and update

If you are on a graduate student appointment of 20% or greater, you are covered under the Graduate Student Dental Insurance Plan. Enrollment in the plan is triggered by the entry of the tuition waiver associated with your graduate appointment and notification of enrollment will be sent directly to you via email within 5 business days of being enrolled. If you do not receive notification of enrollment check with your employer/department to make sure the waiver has been entered correctly and you meet the criteria for eligibility. If your waiver has been delayed and you saw a dentist prior to being notified of your enrollment your coverage is retroactive to August 1, 2022.

There is a difference between the dental coverage that is included under the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and the Graduate Student Dental Insurance Plan that is provided as a benefit of being on a graduate appointment. Dental coverage includes anAnnual Dental Exam, Cleaning and X-Ray at Perfect Teeth, while the Graduate Student Dental Insurance is a comprehensive insurance plan offered through Anthem Insurance. Please visit the Graduate Student Dental Insurance Plan page on the Health & Wellness site or review the attached flyer for full details on the coverage.

In addition, graduate students on select multi-year national fellowships may also be covered. If you are on a fellowship other than the NSF GRFP please email patricia.stanfield@colorado.edu with information regarding your fellowship to check if you qualify.

Questions regarding either benefit may be directed to studentinsurance@colorado.edu