Undergraduate Courses
Courses offered by AMReC faculty include various undergraduate courses introducing basic concepts of modeling and analyzing mechanical systems.
- ASEN 1022: Material Science for Aerospace Engineers
- ASEN 2001: Statics, Structures, and MaterialsÂ
- ASEN 3112: StructuresÂ
- ASEN 4123: Vibrational Analysis
Graduate Courses
At the graduate level, courses offered by AMReC faculty are part of the Engineering Systems focus area.
Fluids & Propulsion
- ASEN 5051: Fluid Mechanics
- ASEN 5151: High Speed Aerodynamics
- ASEN 6037: Turbulence
- ASEN 5053: Rocket Propulsion
- ASEN 5063: Aircraft Propulsion
- ASEN 5519: Boundary Layers, Convection, and Applied CFD
- MCEN 6001: Reacting Flows
- ASEN 6321: Computational Fluid Dynamics Structured Grid
- ASEN 6331: Computational Fluid Dynamics Unstructured Grid
- ASEN 6519: Experimental Fluid Mechanics
- ASEN 6061: Molecular Gas Dynamics and Direct Monte Carlo Simulation
- ASEN 6519: Advanced Turbulence Simulation
- ASEN 6519: Stabilized and Multiscale Finite Element
- ASEN 6519: Mathematical Foundations of Finite Element Analysis
- ASEN 6519: Isogeometric Analysis
Structures & Materials
- ASEN 5012: Mechanics of Aerospace Structures
- ASEN 5022: Dynamics of Aerospace Structures
- ASEN 5007: Introduction into Finite ElementsÂ
- ASEN 5111: Aeroelasticity
- ASEN 5148: Spacecraft Design
- ASEN 5519: Design Optimization in Aerospace SystemsÂ
- ASEN 5519: Introduction to Phononics
- ASEN 5519: Inverse Methods
- ASEN 5519: Classical Thermodynamics
- ASEN 5519: Deploy and Lightweight Structure
- ASEN 5519: Molecular Dynamics
- ASEN 5188 (EMEN 5405): Space Systems Engineering
- ASEN 6024: Nonlinear Systems
- ASEN 6519: Isogeometric Analysis
- ASEN 6519: High Performance Computing
- ASEN 6517: Computational Methods in Dynamics
- ASEN 6107: Nonlinear Finite Elements
- ASEN 6367: Advanced Finite Elements for Plates & Shells
- ASEN 6519: Engineering Nonlinear Dynamics
- ASEN 6412: Uncertainty Quantification
- ASEN 6519: Cooperative Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems