Focus Area
Astrodynamics & Satellite Navigation
- Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 1991
- S.M., Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, M.I.T., 1986
- S.B., Aeronautical Engineering (Avionics Option), M.I.T., 1985
Professional Experience
- 2012-2017, Chair, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 2005-Present, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 2007-2008, Acting Chair, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 2005-2007, Associate Chair, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 1999-2005, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 1992-1999, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
- 1991-1992, Lecturer, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
- 1990-1992, Member of the Technical Staff and Program Manager, GPS Systems Organization, Stanford Telecommunications, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
Awards (selected)
- Member, National Academy of Engineering (2019)
- Women In Aerospace Educator Award (2016)
- Institute of Navigation Samuel Burka Award (2012)
- AIAA Summerfield Book Award (2011)
- College of Engineering & Applied Science Max S. Peters Award (2009)
- Johannes Kepler Award, Institute of Navigation Satellite Division (2009)
- Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2008)
- Institute of Navigation Outstanding Service Award (2005)
- Fellow, Institute of Navigation (2004)
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2003)
- Institute of Navigation Tycho Brahe Award (2003)
- AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award (1996)
- Member Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi
Research Interests
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and applications for real-time satellite orbit and attitude determination, GPS surface reflections, GPS multipath characterization and mitigation, orbital dynamics and spacecraft rendezvous.