University of Colorado Boulder
Department of Classics
UCB 248
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0248
Office: (303) 492-8184
Fax: (303) 492-1026
Ph.D., Classics, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006
M.A., Classics, The University of Texas at Austin, 2000
B.A., Classical Archaeology and Economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1997
Non-degree courses
Field School Program on Site Formation, Stratigraphy, and Geoarchaeology, Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2019
Regular member, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens,2003–2004
University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Classics, Professor,2016–
University of Toronto, Department of Classics, Associate Professor,2013–2016
University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Classics, Visiting Associate Professor,2014–2015
University of Toronto, Department of Classics, Assistant Professor,2008–2013
The Florida State University, Department of Classics, Visiting Assistant Professor,2007–2008
Trinity University, Department of Classical Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor,2006–2007
Awards and honors
College Professor of Distinction, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2024
MacArthur Foundation Fellow, 2015
D. Nakassis. 2013. Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos, Mnemosyne Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity 358 (Leiden/Boston: Brill). Pp. xviii, 448.
Reviews: | | | |
Edited books
D. Nakassis, J. Gulizio, and S. A. James, editors. 2014. KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine. Prehistory Monographs 46 (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press). Pp. xxii, 314.
Reviews: |
Edited journal issues
D. Nakassis, M. Galaty, and W. Parkinson, editors. 2016. “Discussion and Debate: Reciprocity in Aegean Palatial Societies: Gifts, Debt, and the Foundations of Economic Exchange,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29.1 (2016) 61-132.
W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. Galaty, editors. 2013. “Forum: Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece,” American Journal of Archaeology 117.3, 413–459.
M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson, editors. 2011. “Forum: Redistribution in Aegean Palatial Societies,” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 175–244.
Journal Articles
S.A. James, D. Nakassis, W.R. Caraher, S.C. Gallimore, G. Erny, R. Fernandez, J. Frankl, A. Friedman, M. Godsey, and M. Gradoz. 2024. “Landscape Histories and Terrestrial Networks in the Peloponnese: Results from the Western Argolid Regional Project,”Hesperia93.1, 145–190.
L. Heath-Stout, G. Erny, and D. Nakassis. 2023. “Demographic Dynamics of Publishing in the American Journal of Archaeology,” American Journal of Archaeology 127.2, 151-165.
W. Caraher, S. Gallimore, D. Nakassis, and S.A. James. 2020. “Survey and the 7th century in the Western Argolid,” Journal of Greek Archaeology 5, 377-405.
P.E. Tetford, J.R. Desloges, and D. Nakassis. 2018. “The Potential Relationship Between Archaeological Artifact Exposure and Surface Geomorphic Processes: Northeastern Peloponnese, Greece,” Journal of Field Archaeology 43.7, 538-550.
Caraher, W., R.S. Moore, D. Nakassis, and D.K. Pettegrew. 2017. “Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project: Recent Work at the Site of Pyla-Vikla,” Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyrus 2011-12, 443-459.
P.E. Tetford, J.R. Desloges, and D. Nakassis. 2017. “Modelling surface geomorphic processes using the RUSLE and specific stream power in a GIS framework, NE Peloponnese, Greece,” Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 3.4, 1229-1244.
M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson. 2016. “Introduction,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29.1, 61-70.
W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. Galaty. 2013. “Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece: Introduction,” American Journal of Archaeology 117.3, 413–422.
D. Nakassis. 2012. “Prestige and Interest: Feasting and the King in Mycenaean Pylos,” Hesperia 81.1, 1–30.
D. Nakassis. 2011. “Athens, Kylon, and the Dipolieia,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 51.3, 363–381.
M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson. 2011. “Introduction: Why Redistribution?” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 175–176.
D. Nakassis, M. Galaty, and W. Parkinson. 2011. “Redistributive Economies from a Theoretical and Cross-Cultural Perspective,” American Journal of Archaeology 115.2, 177–184.
T. F. Tartaron, T. E. Gregory, D. J. Pullen, J. S. Noller, R. M. Rothaus, J. L. Rife, L. Diacopoulos, R. L. Schon, W. R. Caraher, D. K. Pettegrew, and D. Nakassis. 2006. “The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey: Integrated Methods for a Dynamic Landscape,” Hesperia 75.4, 453–523.
W. Caraher, D. Nakassis, and D. Pettegrew. 2006. “Siteless Survey and Intensive Data Collection in an Artifact-Rich Environment: Case Studies from the Eastern Corinthia, Greece,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 19.1, 7–43.
D. Nakassis. 2004. “Gemination at the Horizons: East and West in the Mythical Geography of Archaic Greek Epic,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 134.2, 215–233.
Book chapters
J. Hruby and D. Nakassis. 2024. “Reduce, reuse, recycle? The clay of the Pylos tablets,” in KO-RO-NO-WE-SA: Proceedings of the 15th international colloquium on Mycenaean studies, September 2021 (Ariadne: The Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete Supplement Series 5), ed. J. Bennet, A. Karnava and T. Meißner (Rethymnon: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Crete) 545–559.
A. Kanta, D. Nakassis, T.G. Palaima and M. Perna. 2024. “An archaeological and epigraphical overview of some inscriptions found in the Cult Center of the city of Knossos (Anetaki plot),” in KO-RO-NO-WE-SA: Proceedings of the 15th international colloquium on Mycenaean studies, September 2021 (Ariadne: The Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete Supplement Series 5), ed. J. Bennet, A. Karnava and T. Meißner (Rethymnon: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Crete) 27–43.
D. Nakassis. 2024.“Time and the Other Greeks,” in The Routledge Handbook of Classics, Colonialism, and Postcolonial Theory, ed. K. Blouin and B. Akrigg (London: Routledge) 251–264.
D. Nakassis.2024. “Before the economy? Growth, institutions, and the Late Bronze Age,” in Models, methods, and morality: Assessing modern approaches to the Greco-Roman economy,ed. S.C. Murray and S. Bernard (London: Palgrave Macmillan) 151–184.
D. Nakassis. 2023. “People like us? Individuals and individualism in the Late Bronze Age Aegean,” in Πολυμήχανος Man of Many Ways: Papers in Honour of Professor Jan Driessen (Aegis 25), ed. C. Langohr and Q. Letesson (Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain) 81-87.
D. Nakassis. 2022. “Communities,‘houses’and political organization in the Mycenaean world,” in From House Societies to States: Early Political Organization, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, ed. J.C. Moreno García (Oxford: Oxbow Books) 123-140.
D. Nakassis. 2022. “Unpacking the State of Knossos in LM II-IIIA2,” in One State, Many Worlds: Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period (Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici nuova serie Supplemento 2), ed. A.L. D’Agata, L. Girella, E. Papadopoulou, and D.G. Aquini (Rome: Edizioni Quasar) 85-95.
D. Nakassis. 2022. “The Aegean World (including coastal Anatolia & Cyprus),” in The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East, Volume III: The Late Bronze Age, ed. K. Radner, N. Moeller, and D.T. Potts (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 623-706.
D. Nakassis. 2021. “Why the periphery should be central to Mycenaean studies,” in Γ’ Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο Η Περιφερεια του Μυκηναικου Κοσμου. Πρόσφατα ευρήματα και πορίσματα της έρευνας. Λαμία, 18-21 Μαΐου 2018 / 3rd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium: The Periphery of the Mycenaean World: Recent discoveries and research results, ed. E. Karantzali (Athens: Ministry of Culture and Sports, General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Ephorate of Antiquities of Fthiotida and Evrytania) 21-26.
D. Nakassis. 2021. “The extractive systems of the Mycenaean world,” in Ancient Taxation: The Mechanics of Extraction in Comparative Perspective, ed. J. Valk and I. Soto Marín (New York: NYU Press) 93-127.
W. R. Caraher, D. Nakassis, and I. Antoniadou. 2021. “Roads, Routes, and Abandoned Villages in the Western Argolid,” in Deserted Villages: Perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean, ed. R.M. Seifried and D.E. Brown Stewart (Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota) 319-346.
D. Nakassis, K. Pluta, and J. Hruby. 2021. “The Pylos Tablets Digital Project: Aegean scripts in the 21st century,” in New Approaches to Ancient Material Culture in the Greek & Roman World (Monumenta Graeca et Romana 27), ed. C.L. Cooper (Leiden: Brill) 161–171.
D. Nakassis. 2020. “Homeric Geography,” in The Cambridge Guide to Homer, ed. C.O. Pache (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 267-277.
D. Nakassis. 2020. “The Economy,” in ACompanionto the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, Volume 1, ed. I. Lemos and A. Kotsonas (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell) 271-291.
D. Nakassis. 2018. “Beauty in clay: Aesthetics and script in Mycenaean Greece,” in Οι Αμέτρητες Όψεις του Ωραίου στην Αρχαία Τέχνη (The Countless Aspects of Beauty in Ancient Art), ed. Μ. Λαγογιάννη-Γεωργακαράκου (Αθήνα: Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων) 51-56.
D. Nakassis and K. Pluta. 2017. “Vorsprung durch Technik: Imaging the Linear B Tablets from Pylos,” in Aegean Scripts. Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies. Copenhagen, 2-5 September 2015, ed. M.-L. Nosch and H. Landenius Enegren (Roma: Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico) 285-298.
S. Gallimore, S. James, W. Caraher, and D. Nakassis. 2017. “To Argos: Archaeological Survey in the Western Argolid, 2014-2016,” in From Maple to Olive: Proceedings of a Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece, Athens, 10-11 June 2016, ed. D.W. Rupp and J.E. Tomlinson. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece 10 (Athens: Canadian Institute in Greece) 421-438.
D. Nakassis and K. Pluta. 2017. “The Linear B Tablets from Pylos,” in Odysseys, ed. M. Lagogianni-Georgakarakou (Athens: Archaeological Receipts Fund) 91-96. [=D. Nakassis and K. Pluta (2016) “Οι πινακίδες της Γραμμικής Β Γραφής της Πύλου,” in Οδύσσειες, ed. Μ. Λαγογιάννη-Γεωργακαράκου (Αθήνα - Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων) 91-96.]
D. Nakassis. 2015. “Labor and Individuals in Late Bronze Age Pylos,” in Labor in the Ancient World, ed. P. Steinkeller and M. Hudson (Dresden: ISLET-Verlag) 583-615.
W. Caraher, D. Nakassis, and D.K. Pettegrew. 2014. “Intensive Survey,” in Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of An Ancient Coastal Town. American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports 21, ed. W. Caraher, R.S. Moore and D.K. Pettegrew (Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research) 17-47.
J. Gulizio and D. Nakassis. 2014. “The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion,” in KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, ed. D. Nakassis, J. Gulizio, and S. A. James (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press) 115-128.
D. Nakassis. 2013. “Structuration and the State in Mycenaean Greece,” in Agency in Ancient Writing, ed. J. Englehardt (Boulder: University Press of Colorado) 231–247.
J. Englehardt and D. Nakassis. 2013. “Introduction: Individual Intentionality, Social Structure, and Material Agency in Early Writing and Emerging Script Technologies,” in Agency in Ancient Writing, ed. J. Englehardt (Boulder: University Press of Colorado) 1–18.
D. Nakassis. 2012. “Labor Mobilization in Mycenaean Pylos,” in Étudies mycéniennes 2010. Actes du XIIIe colloque international sur les textes égéens (Biblioteca di Pasiphae 10), ed. P. Carlier, C. De Lamberterie, M. Egetmeyer, N. Guilleux, F. Rougemont and J. Zurbach (Pisa-Rome: Fabrizio Serra) 269-283.
D. Nakassis, M. Galaty and W. Parkinson. 2010. “State and Society,” in TheOxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean, ed. E. H. Cline (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 239–250.
D. Nakassis. 2010. “Reevaluating Staple and Wealth Finance at Mycenaean Pylos,” inPolitical Economiesof the Aegean Bronze Age, ed. D. J. Pullen (Oxford: Oxbow Books)127–148.
D. Nakassis. 2008. “Named Individuals and the Mycenaean State at Pylos,” in Colloquium Romanum, Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di Micenologia, Roma, 20–25 febbraio 2006, ed. A. Sacconi, M. del Freo, L. Godart and M. Negri (Rome: Fabrizio Serra) 549–561.
D. Nakassis and K. Pluta. 2003. “Linear A and Multidimensional Scaling,” in Metron: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age, Aegaeum 24, ed. K.P. Foster and R. Laffineur (Liège and Austin: Université de Liège/The University of Texas at Austin) 335–342.
Encyclopedia entries
D. Nakassis. 2022. “Linear B,” in The Oxford Classical Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
B. Burke, D. Athanasoulis, Z. Bonias, B. Burns, T. Carter, A. Charami, S. Gallimore, M.J. Haagsma, S. James, S. Karapanou, D. Nakassis, A. Papadimitriou, J.Y. Perreault, and L. Surtees. 2021. “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in 2018,” Mouseion 18.2, 255-284.
D.W. Rupp, T. Carter, D. Athanasoulis, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burns, A. Papadimitriou, S. Gallimore, D. Nakassis, S. James, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, S. Karapanou, and M.J. Haagsma. 2020 [2021]. “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece in 2017,” Mouseion 17.2, 395-416.
D.W. Rupp, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burnes, T. Carter, D. Athanasoulis, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, S. Karapanou, M. Haagsma. 2019. “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in 2016,” Mouseion 16.2, 343-364.
D.W. Rupp, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burnes, T. Carter, D. Athanasoulis, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, S. Karapanou, M. Haagsma, L. Surtees. 2018. “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in 2015,” Mouseion 15.2, 297-319.
D.W. Rupp, T. Carter, A. Charami, B. Burke, B. Burns, Z. Bonias, J.Y. Perreault, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, S. Karapanou, M.J. Haagsma. 2017. “Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece in 2014,” Mouseion 14.2, 173-195.
D. Nakassis. 2023. Anna Magdalena Blomley, A landscape of conflict? Rural fortifications in the Argolid (400-146 BC). Abdingdon: Archaeopress, 2022. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review
D. Nakassis. 2023. Raphael Greenberg and Yannis Hamialkis, Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. In The Journal of Modern Greek Studies 41, 149-151.
E. Mackil and D. Nakassis. 2018. Julien Zurbach, Les hommes, la terre et la dette en Grèce, c. 1400-c. 500 a.C. (2 vols.). Scripta antiqua, 95. Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2017. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.08.06
D. Nakassis. 2016. Eric H. Cline, 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. In Mouseion 13, 153-155.
D. Nakassis. 2015. Richard Hope Simpson, Mycenaean Messenia and the Kingdom of Pylos (Prehistory monographs 34). Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2014. In The Journal of Hellenic Studies 135, 261–262.
D. Nakassis. 2015. Barbara A. Olsen, Women in Mycenaean Greece: The Linear B Tablets from Pylos and Knossos. New York/London: Routledge, 2014. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.03.45.
D. Nakassis. 2013. Walter Gauß, Michael Lindblom, R. Angus K. Smith, and James C. Wright, eds. Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011. In American Journal of Archaeology 117.2.
D. Nakassis. 2012. Yannis A. Lolos, Land of Sikyon: Archaeology and History of a Greek City-State. Hesperia Supplement 39. Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2011. In Classical Journal Online 2012.11.06.
D. Nakassis. 2011. Bryan E. Burns, Mycenaean Greece, Mediterranean Commerce, and the Formation of Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. In Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 1, 82–85.
D. Nakassis. 2010. Françoise Rougemont, Contrôle économique et administration à l'époque des palais mycéniens (fin du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.) (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 332). Athens: École française d’Athènes, 2009. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.09.14
D. Nakassis. 2010. Hedvig Landenius Enegren,The People of Knossos: Prosopographical Studies in the Knossos Linear B Archives(Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Easter Civilizations 30). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2008. InJournal of Hellenic Studies 130, 249–250.
D. Nakassis. 2009. R. Drew Griffith,Mummy Wheat: Egyptian Influence on the Homeric View of the Afterlife and the Eleusinian Mysteries(Lanham, Maryland 2008). InCanadian Journal of African Studies43.3, 593–596.
D. Nakassis. 2009. Yves Duhoux and Anna Morpurgo Davies, editors, A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 1, Louvain-la-Neuve 2008. In Classical Review 39.2, 327–329.
D. Nakassis. 2008. Philip Betancourt, The Chrysokamino Metallurgy Workshop and its Territory, Princeton 2006. In Mouseion 8.2, 290–293.
D. Nakassis. 2008. Michael Galaty and William Parkinson, editors, Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces II. Revised and Expanded Second Edition, Los Angeles 2007. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.07.57
D. Nakassis. 2007. John Heath, The Talking Greeks, Cambridge 2005. In Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 17.1, 142–144.
D. Nakassis. 2002. Sofia Voutsaki and John Killen, editors, Economy and Politics in the Mycenaean Palace States, Cambridge 2001. In Minos 35–36 (2000–2001 [2002]) 499–502.
W. Caraher, G. Erny, A. Friedman, S. Gallimore, M. Godsey, M. Gradoz, S. James, S. Steinke, and D. Nakassis. 2020. Western Argolid Regional Project (WARP), Field Manual: 2014-2016 Seasons. (tDAR id: 458238); doi:10.6067/XCV8458238
External research grants
“Imaging, analysis, and publication of the Linear B tablets from Pylos”
Institute for Aegean Prehistory (D. Nakassis and K. Pluta): $5,000 (2017), $15,000 (2015), $12,000 (2014), $10,000 (2013)
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarly Communication and Information grant (co-director of project; co-PIs K. Pluta and J. Newhard): $50,000 (2013)
Loeb Classical Library Foundation (D. Nakassis and K. Pluta), $34,376 (2013)
“Western Argolid Regional Project”
Institute for Aegean Prehistory: $4,000 (2017), $8,690 (2016), $10,800 (2015), $8,680 (2014)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (D. Nakassis and S. Gallimore): $160,842 CAD (2015)
Loeb Classical Library Foundation: $17,300 (2012)
“Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project”
Institute for Aegean Prehistory (D. Nakassis and W. Caraher): $5,960 (2010), $12,585 (2009), $10,632 (2008
Mediterranean Archaeological Trust (D. Nakassis and R.S. Moore): £1,500 (2008)
Curtiss T. and Mary G. Brennan Foundation (D. Nakassis and W. Caraher): $3,000 (2007)
Fellowships and internal grants
University of Colorado Boulder, Kayden Research Grant, 2023 ($960)
University of Colorado Boulder, Research and Innovation Office Arts & Humanities Grant, 2023 ($2,619)
National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship, 2023 ($60,000)
Archaeology Centre Summer Research Funds, 2015 ($2,950 CAD)
SSHRC Institutional Grant, 2014 ($661.12 CAD)
University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and Science Bridge Funding, 2014 ($5,000 CAD)
SSHRC Institutional Grant, 2014 ($1,183.32 CAD)
Michael Ventris Memorial Award, Institute of Classical Studies, 2013 (£2,000 GBP)
SSHRC Institutional Grant, 2013 ($2,000 CAD)
SSHRC Institutional Grant, 2012 (1,500 CAD)
SSHRC Institutional Grant, 2011 (763.04 CAD)
Norwood Travelling Fellowship, University of Toronto, Department of Classics, 2009 ($4,000 CAD)
Start-Up Award, University of Toronto, Department of Classics, 2008 ($5,000 CAD)
Connaught Start-Up Award, University of Toronto, 2008 ($10,000 CAD)
Outstanding Dissertation Award, The University of Texas at Austin and University Co-op, 2007 ($3,000 USD)
William S. Livingston Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin, 2005-6($19,000 USD)
Heinrich Schliemann Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2003-4 ($8,840 USD)
Invited talks
“Towards a post-cultural archaeology of Late Bronze Age Greece,” Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP), 6 March 2024
“Double tap? Deconstructing and refashioning our disciplinary categories,” Brown University, 1 February 2023
“Killing Mycenaean civilization and reassembling the Aegean Bronze Age,” New York University, 17 October 2022
“Broken ropes: the past and future of Mycenaean studies,” University of Cincinnati, 3 October 2022
“The emergence of the Hellenic race: Greek prehistory and modern scientific racism,” The Academy of Athens, 12 May 2022
“Time and the other Greeks: the problem of periodization in Greek (pre)history,” University of Vienna, 10 May 2022
“‘The most richly imagined fabrics of the past’: Breaking categories and reassembling ancient worlds,” David F. Grose Memorial Lecture, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 7 April 2022
“From the plain to the mountain: insights into the western Argolid from archaeological survey,” Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Seminar für Alte Geschichte, 1 February 2022
“Places, spaces, and memory: a landscape archaeology of the western Argolid, Greece,” Brunilde S. Ridgway lecture, AIA Puget Sound, 20 November 2020
“Map is not territory: culture history and archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age,” Department of Classics, University of Washington, 19 November 2020
“‘not in any significant or proper sense… Greek’: Orientalism and the Mycenaeans,” Everyday Orientalism, 13 November 2020
“Back Through the System… Again: Taking Apart the Aegean Bronze Age,” The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies, Simon Fraser University/AIA Vancouver, 16 October 2020
“The World Before Odysseus: Rethinking the History of Late Bronze Age Greece,” Lee lecture, The College of William and Mary, 17 October 2019
“Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age: Homeric Heroes, Near Eastern Potentates, or Something Else?” Mylonas lecture in Classical art and archaeology, University of Missouri St. Louis, 6 October 2019
“How Greek were the Mycenaeans? Excavating the Bronze Age past of Greece,” Argyropoulos lecture, University of California Santa Barbara, 14 April 2019
“Seeing like a Mycenaean state,” C. Densmore Curtis Lecture, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, 26 October 2018
“Before coins and cabotage? The prehistory of the Greek economy,” Elizabeth Hunter lecture, Department of Classics, Florida State University, 16 October 2018
“Deciphering the age of heroes: Texts, archaeology and legends of Bronze Age Greece,” 10thJohn Charles lecture, Wabash College, 1 October 2018
“Telling stories from laundry lists: Linear B and Mycenaean histories,” Department of Classics, Stanford University, 1 May 2017
“These aren’t the Mycenaeans we’re looking for,” Nemea Center Seminar, University of California Berkeley, 21 March 2017
“Doing archaeology in a digital age: challenges and opportunities,” The futures of Classical antiquity symposium, Smith College, 4 March 2017
“Unthinking the Mycenaeans: towards a new history of the Late Bronze Age Aegean,” Aegean Seminar, University of Zagreb, 5 April 2016
“Vorsprung durch Technik: digital technologies, archaeology, and the future of Aegean scripts, Aegean Seminar, University of Zagreb, 5 April 2016
“Deconstructing and reconstructing the Mycenaean world: text, history, and archaeology,” Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 31 March 2016
“The Mycenaeans in Greek History: Orientalism and Master Narratives,” British School at Athens, 29 February 2016
“Seeing like a Mycenaean state: the people of Pylos and Knossos,” Department of Classics, Cambridge University, 18 February 2016
“Digital Nestor: Aegean scripts in the 21st century,” Mycenaean Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 17 February 2016
“From types to relations: complicating the economic history of the Greek Late Bronze Age,” Canadian Institute in Greece, 27 January 2016
“Cities and Thrones and Powers: Rethinking the End of Mycenaean Civilization,” Open Meeting of the Canadian Institute in Greece, 14 May 2014
“Rethinking Mycenaean Society,” The University of Chicago, Interdisciplinary Archaeology and Ancient Societies Workshops, 26 April; Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium, 11 May 2012
“Apocalypse orLiberation? Narratives of Collapse in the Greek Late Bronze Age,”Ontario Aegean Archaeology Day at the ROM, Toronto, 6 March 2010
“When did the Greeks first come to Cyprus?” Cypriot Archaeology Day at the ROM, Toronto, 6 December 2009
“Under the Sceptre of Agamemnon? Economy, Archaeology and Texts in Mycenaean Greece,” The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics, 12 November 2009
“Where’s the Beef? Agency, Archaeology and Linear B,” Stanford Archaeology Center Workshop, 4 December 2008
Conference papers
“One script, one kingdom? Exploring and explaining the heterogeneity of Linear B,” AIA, Chicago, 5 January 2024
“Reading between the lines: textual evidence for socioeconomic organization in the mature Late Bronze Age,” Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies, the Spring 2023 Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 24 February 2023
“Before cabotage? Interregional exchange in the Late Bronze Age,” Nostoi II. Traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea + Inland Routes from the Early Bronze to the End of the Early Iron Ages, Athens, 11 November 2022
"Before the economy?" Morality and Models: Assessing Modern Approaches to the Ancient Economy, Toronto, 6 November 2021
S. James, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, and W. Caraher, “In the Shadow of Argos: The Western Argolid Regional Project (2014-2016),” Γ’ Διεθνής Επιστημονική Συνάντηση «Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο», Kalamata, 4 June 2021
B.B. Wilemon, Jr., M. Galaty, and D. Nakassis, “Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Analysis of the Pylos Linear B Tablets,” AIA, Washington, DC, 3 January 2020
S.C. Murray, C. Pratt, R.P. Stephan, M.C. McHugh, G.K. Erny, K. Psoma, B. Lis, M. Godsey, M. Nazou, D. Nakassis, and P. Sapirstein, “The 2019 Bays of East Attica Regional Survey (BEARS) Project: New Evidence for the Archaeology of the Bay of Porto Raphti,” AIA, Washington, DC, 4 January 2020
“The Innocence of Facticity: ‘Mycenaean’ Knossos in its Aegean Context,” One State, Many Worlds: Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period, Khania, 22 November 2019
D. Nakassis, S. James, S. Gallimore, and W. Caraher, “The Medieval Countryside at a Regional Scale in the Western Argolid and Northeastern Peloponnesus,” AIA, San Diego, 5 January 2019
“Why the ‘periphery’ should be central to Mycenaean studies,” 3rd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium, The Periphery of the Mycenaean World: Recent discoveries and research results, Lamia, 18 May 2018
S. Gallimore, W. Caraher, S. James, and D. Nakassis, “On the Banks of the Ancient Streams of the Inachos: The Western Argolid Regional Project, 2014-2016,” AIA, Toronto, 8 January 2017
D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, S. James, and W. Caraher, “To Argos: Archaeological survey in the Western Argolid, 2014-2015,” From Maple to Olive: A Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece, Athens, 11 June 2016
S. James, D. Nakassis, S. Gallimore, and W. Caraher, “The Western Argolid Regional Project: Results of the 2015 Season,” AIA, San Francisco, 8 January 2016
D. Nakassis, W. Caraher, S. James, S. Gallimore, and I. Antoniadou, “Roads, Routes and Abandoned Villages in the Western Argolid,” AIA, San Francisco, 8 January 2016
D. Nakassis, S. James, S. Gallimore, “The Western Argolid Regional Project: Results of the 2014 Season,” AIA, New Orleans, 9 January 2015
M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, and W. Parkinson, “Introduction to Reciprocity in Aegean Palatial Societies: Gifts, Debt, and the Foundations of Economic Exchange,” AIA, Chicago, 3 January 2014
D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, “Digital imaging of the Linear B tablets from the “Palace of Nestor,” AIA, Chicago, 3 January 2014
“Livin’ in a New World: Elite Strategies during the Mycenaean Collapse,” SAA, Honolulu, 6 April 2013
“Performing Kingship in Mycenaean Pylos,” AIA, Philadelphia, 7 January 2012
W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, and M. Galaty, “Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece,” AIA, Philadelphia, 7 January 2012
“Think Globally, Act Locally? Interpreting Ritual Performance in Bronze Age and Classical Greece,” Archaeology of Performance, Toronto, 18 March 2011
“Building a Better Model of Mycenaean Society,” AIA, San Antonio, 7 January 2011
“Labor in Mycenaean Pylos,” 13th International Colloquium on Aegean Texts, Paris, 23 September 2010
“Structuration and the state in Late Bronze Age Greece,” SAA, Atlanta, 26 April 2009
D. Nakassis and W. Parkinson, “Redistributive Economies in Theoretical and Cross-cultural Perspective,” AIA, Philadelphia, 10 January 2009
“Financing the State in the Aegean Bronze Age,” Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age, Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24 February 2007
“The Individual as an Analytical Category for the Integration of Archaeological and Textual Data,” AIA, San Diego, 7 January 2007
“Individuals and the Mycenaean State at Pylos,” XII Colloquio Internazionale di Micenologia, Rome, 24 February 2006
“Agency and the Mycenaean State,” AIA, Montréal, 7 January 2006
“Labor and Individuals in Late Bronze Age Pylos,” International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies, Hirschbach, Germany, 2 May 2005
W. Caraher, D. Nakassis, and D. Pettegrew, “Siteless Survey And Intensive Data Collection in an Artifact-Rich Environment: Case Studies from the Eastern Korinthia, Greece,” SAA, Salt Lake City, 1 April 2005
“Prosopography and the State in Mycenaean Greece,” APA, Boston, 9 January 2005
“Craft Specialists and the Mycenaean State: The Case of the Pylian Bronze-Smiths,” AIA, Boston, 8 January 2005
“Murder, Pollution, and Expiation in the Kylonian Conspiracy and the Dipolieia,” APA, New Orleans, 6 January 2003
J. Gulizio and D. Nakassis, “The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion,” Classical Association of the Midwest and South, Austin, 4 April 2002
D. J. Pullen, T. F. Tartaron, R. M. Rothaus, D. Nakassis, A. Dill, “Patterns in the Later Prehistory of the Eastern Korinthia,” AIA, Philadelphia, 5 January 2002
“Semi-rational Geography and Eschatological Gemination in Homer,” APA, Philadelphia, 4 January 2002
Z. Bartholomew, J. Newhard, N. Levine, K. Pluta, and D. Nakassis, “The Development of a Legacy GIS for the Contextualization of the Linear B Deposits from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos,” AIA, New Orleans, 9 January 2015
J. Baxley, B. Rennison, J. Newhard, K. Pluta, and D. Nakassis, “The Use of Structured Light Scanning for the Study of the Linear B Deposits from Pylos, Messenia, Greece,” AIA, Chicago, 3 January 2014
Panelist, “Archaeologists of Color Roundtable,” WCC Archaeology Series, 3 March 2022
Panelist, “Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity,” WCC Pedagogy Pop-Up Event, 22 February 2022
Respondent, “Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean: Current and Future Perspectives,” AIA, 6 January 2021
Panelist, “Funding Sources and Grant Writing,” AIA, Boston, 6 January 2018
Organized sessions
K. Shelton, E.M. Greene and D. Nakassis, “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in Archaeology and the AIA,” AIA, Chicago, 6 January 2024
D. Nakassis and S. Vitale, “The Mycenaean Koine in Context: Disentangling Material Uniformities in the Aegean Late Bronze Age,” AIA, Chicago, 5 January 2024
“Teaching Race and Material Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean,” , 19 August 2020
J. Hanink, D. Nakassis, “Modern Greek Programs in Classics Departments: Historical Perspectives, Present Challenges, and Future Prospects,” MGSA, Sacramento, 8 November 2019
D. Pullen, D. Nakassis, L. Rahmstorf, “Entrepreneurs and Merchants in the Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age Mediterranean,” EAA, Barcelona, 7 September 2018
D. Nakassis, M. Galaty, W. Parkinson, “Reciprocity in Aegean Palatial Societies: Gifts, Debt, and the Foundations of Economic Exchange,” AIA, Chicago, 3 January 2014
W. Parkinson, D. Nakassis, M. Galaty, “Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece,” AIA, Philadelphia, 7 January 2012
M. Galaty, D. Nakassis, W. Parkinson, “Redistribution in Aegean Palatial Societies,” AIA, Philadelphia, 10 January 2009
Departmental papers
“Mycenaean histories,” Faculty work in progress seminar, 20 October 2017
“Orientalism and Master Narrative in Greek (Pre)history,” Work in Progress Seminar in Ancient Greek and Roman History, 18 October 2012
“Murder, Pollution and Expiation in the Kylonian Conspiracy and the Dipolieia Festival,” Work in Progress Seminar in Ancient Greek and Roman History, 6 November 2008
Community outreach
“The Mycenaeans and the origins of Hellenism,” AHEPA Denver lodge, 2 March 2022
“Cracking a Late Bronze Age Code: Linear B and its Decipherment,” Mary McClanahan Lecture, 15 April 2021
“Map is not territory: culture history and archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age,” AIA Denver, 30 January 2021
“Linear B workshop,” Oberlin College, 7 March 2017
“‘The Greeks’: Archaeology Uncovered,” National Geographic Museum, 14 September 2016
“Rethinking the Mycenaean World,” Western Illinois Society of the AIA (Augustana), 29 September, Ann Arbor Society of the AIA, 30 September 2015
“The Road Less Traveled By? History, Archaeology, and Landscape in Southern Greece,” Boulder Society of the AIA, 19 February 2014; Western Illinois Society of the AIA (Monmouth), 28 September 2015; “History, Archaeology, and Landscape in Southern Greece: the Western Argolid Regional Project,” International Archaeology Day, Boulder Society of the AIA, 24 October 2015
“Apocalypse Then: The Collapse of the Bronze Age World,” McClanahan Lecture, 28 January 2015
“Digitizing prehistory: Aegean script in the 21st century,” Niagara Society of the AIA, 17 November 2013
“Archaeology and (un)deciphered scripts in Bronze Age Greece,” The Practice of History Today: A conference for high school students interest in history (sponsored by the Department of History in partnership with the Toronto District School Board), 30 April 2010
“Homer and History,” The Practice of History Today: A conference for high school students interest in history (sponsored by the Department of History in partnership with the Toronto District School Board), 16 April 2009
“Paupers and Peasants and Princes and Kings: Reconstructing Society in Late Bronze Age Greece,” Toronto Society of the AIA, 22 October; Rochester Society of the AIA, 17 November 2011; Buffalo Society of the AIA, 18 November 2011; University of North Dakota, 25 October 2012; Boulder Society of the AIA, 15 November 2012; Denver Society of the AIA, 18 January 2015
Archaeological fieldwork
Bays of East Attica Regional Survey: drone photographer (2019)
Fortifications of the Western Argolid: co-director (2017)
Western Argolid Regional Project (WARP): co-director (2011-)
Pyla Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP): co-field director, trench supervisor (2006–2010)
Nemea Valley Archaeological Project (NVAP): trench supervisor (2003, 2006–2007)
Corinth Excavations: trench supervisor (2004–2005)
Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey (EKAS): field walker (1999), team leader (2000-2002)
Iklaina Archaeological Project (IKAP): team leader (2000–2001)
Greek Archaeological Service (8th ephorate of prehistoric and classical antiquities [Kerkyra], 20th ephorate of prehistoric and classical antiquity [Mytilene]): trench supervisor (1997)
Petras Excavations: trench supervisor (1996)
Leptiminus Archaeological Project: student volunteer (1995)
Teaching Experience
Courses taught
Ancient History and Archaeology:
Aegean Bronze Age Art and Archaeology (S23, F20, F18, F16)
Ancient Greece and Rome (History) (S07)
Archaeology of Religion (S19, S17)
Archaic and Classical Greece (History) (S07)
Early Greece/ Mycenaean and Archaic Greece (F09, F12)
Greek Art and Archaeology (F07)
History of Greek Religion (F08)
Introduction to Greek History (F14, S13, F11, F10, F08)
Iron Age Greece (S18)
Religion in the Bronze and Iron Ages (S08)
Religion in the Greek World (S12)
Classical Civilization:
Classical Mythology (S22, S20, S17, S15)
Homer and the Age of Heroes (F09)
Method and Theory in Classics (S14)
Modern Issues Ancient Times: Race and Antiquity (F22, S21, F18, S18)
Theories of Myth (S11)
First-year Greek (S08)
Intermediate Greek (S12, S11, S09)
Euripides (S07)
Homer (F16)
Plato (F14)
Xenophon (F13)
First-year Latin (F01, S02)
Intermediate Latin (S05, F06)
Readings in Latin Poetry (S08)
Archaeology of Religion (S19, S17)
Greek Religion: Space, Place, Practice (S10)
Herodotus and his Intellectual World (S14, F10, F07)
Iron Age Greece (S18)
Linear B (S20, F07)
The Mycenaean World (F13)
Plato (F14)
Politics and Society in Archaic Greece (S13)
Religion in the Bronze and Iron Ages (S08)
Withdrawal, Return and Revenge in Greek Epic (F11, F16)
Graduate supervision
Theodore Nash (Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, University of Michigan): dissertation committee, 2021–present
Robert Weiner (Anthropology, 91Ƶ): dissertation committee, Ancient Roads of Chaco: The History, Use, and Meaning of Monumental Avenues in the US Southwest, 2020–present
Ophélie Mouthuy (Histoire, histoire de l’art et archeologie, Université Catholique de Louvain): PhD thesis jury, external member, L’entrée nord du palais de Cnossos: Étude interdisciplinaire ‘un dépôt de tablettes en Linéaire B, 2020
Pascale Meehan (Anthropology, 91Ƶ): dissertation committee, Collapse as constrained possibility: Rural action at early Postclassic Monte El Santo following the Rio Viejo Political Collapse, 2020
Jessica Hedgepeth Balkin (Anthropology, 91Ƶ): dissertation committee, Human-environment interactions in the lower Rio Verde valley, Oaxaca, Mexico: The impacts of ecological change on settlement patterning (1800 BCE-CE 1522), 2020
Paula Gheorghiade (Art, University of Toronto): comprehensive exam committee, 2013; dissertation committee, A network approach to cultural interaction and maritime exchange on Crete during the Late Minoan II-IIIB period, 2020
Jeffrey Brezinski (Anthropology, 91Ƶ): dissertation committee, Terminal formative religion and political organization on the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico: The perspective from Cerro de la Virgen, 2019
Samantha Mills (Ancient history, Macquarie University): MA thesis examiner, From wanax to βασιλεύς: A consideration of the development of the wielding of Greek power and authority from the Late Bronze Age into the Early Iron Age, 1400-800 BC, 2019
Theodore Nash (Classical Studies, Victoria University of Wellington): MA thesis examiner, Creta Capta: Late Minoan II Knossos in Mycenaean History, 2017
Rachel Kulick (Art, University of Toronto): comprehensive exam committee, 2013; dissertation committee, Urban Soil Micromorphology at Bronze Age Palaikastro, Crete: A Geoarchaeological Investigation of Site Formation Processes, 2017
Jody Cundy (Classics, University of Toronto), major field committee, 2008-12; dissertation committee, THEAS AXION: Wonder, Place and Space in Pausanias’ Periegesis Hellados, 2016
Yuriy Lozynsky (Classics, University of Toronto): internal examiner, Ph.D., Ancient Greek cult hymns: Poets, performers and rituals, 2014
Jessica Higgins (Classics, University of Toronto), major field committee, 2010-11; dissertation committee, From Fleet to Foot: An Analysis of Odysseus’ Pedestrian Journeys in the Odyssey, 2014
Laura Gagne Campbell (Art, University of Toronto): internal examiner, Ph.D., Middle Cypriot White Painted Ware: A Study of Pottery Production and Distribution in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus, 2013
Laura Mawhinney (Classics, University of Toronto), dissertation committee, Sympotic and Rhapsodic Discourse in the Homeric Epics, 2012
Timothy Perry (Classics, University of Toronto), internal examiner, Ph.D., Exile in Homeric Epic, 2010
Professional service
2020–present Committee on digital approaches, Comité International Permanent des Études Mycéniennes, co-chair
2020–present Program for the Annual Meeting Committee, Archaeological Institute of America
2019–2021 Mentoring program, Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus
2019–present Editorial board, Cambridge World Archaeology
2019–present Research and Academic Affairs committee, Archaeological Institute of America; co-chair of Diversity sub-committee, 2020–present
2017–present Membership committee, Modern Greek Studies Association
2017–2018 Website oversight committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
2016–present Editorial advisory board, American Journal of Archaeology
2016–2021 IT committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens; chair, 2017–2019
2015–present Felicia A. Holton Book Award Committee, Archaeological Institute of America; chair, 2019–present
2015 Nominating committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
2015–present Advisory board, The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota
2015–2020 Editorial board, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
2015–present Committee on éditions et instruments du travail, Comité International Permanent des Études Mycéniennes, co-chair
2011–2014 President, Toronto chapter, Archaeological Institute of America
2008–2014 Executive committee, Toronto chapter, Archaeological Institute of America
2011–2015 Committee on Admissions and Fellowships, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
2010–present Managing committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
2012–2016 Board of directors, Canadian Institute in Greece
Journal reviewer: American Journal of Archaeology, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Cambridge Classical Journal, Classical World, Current Anthropology, Hesperia, Heritage, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Mnemosyne, Mouseion
Manuscript reviewer: Brill, Cornell University Press, INSTAP Academic Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Oxford University Press, University Press of Florida
Grant reviewer: National Geographic Society, National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung), European Research Council, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek), National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki)
External tenure and promotion: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Carleton College, Creighton University, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Trinity University, University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina Greensboro, University of Victoria (Canada), Wellesley College
Departmental and university service
University of Colorado Boulder
Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis, Institute for Behavioral Studies, selection committee, 2022
Boulder Faculty Assembly, 2019–2021
Research & Innovation Office advisory board, 2018–present
Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities, 2016–2019
Boulder Faculty Assembly Library Committee, 2016
Arts and Humanities Divisional Council, chair, 2021–2023
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences search committee, 2021
Kayden Research Grants committee, 2018–present
Department chair, 2020–present (2023)
Lecture committee, 2020–present
Library committee, 2020–present
Undergraduate Studies committee, 2019–present
Scholar-in-residence search committee, chair, 2018, 2020
Fountain Symposium Committee, chair, 2017–2018
Inclusive Excellence Committee, 2017–2018
McClanahan Essay Prize Committee, 2017–2018, 2020–present
Chancellor’s postdoctoral fellowship departmental committee, 2019; chair, 2017–2018, 2020
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, 2016–2017
Graduate studies committee, 2016–2019, 2020–present
Classical art & archaeology curriculum committee, 2016–present
Award nominations committee, 2016–2018, 2020–present
Website committee, 2016–2018, 2020–present
Executive committee, 2016, 2018–2019, 2020–present
Program fee (Academic Program Allocations) co-coordinator, 2016, 2020–2021
University of Toronto
Graduate examinations committee, 2011–2014
Recording secretary, 2012–2014
Departmental representative, Canadian Institute in Greece, 2012–2014
Archaeology Centre director search committee, 2012-2013
Archaeology Centre advisory committee, 2012-present
Placement officer, 2011
Graduate committee on admissions, scholarships and standing, 2010-2011
Undergraduate program review committee, 2009-2010
Public relations committee, 2009-2010
Library and Resources committee, 2008-2012